A luxury market shopper for every day use, the perfect gift with personalised designs. These are eco-friendly, strong and durable with brass feet. This product is handcrafted by skilled Bengali artisans. These are professionally printed and every purchase supports a British independent family business. Thank you.

We can also personalise the bags with your company logo or shop name. However, we will NOT print a copy of another company or designer. If you like their design, reward them with your purchase. We also would like to point out that all Crafty Clara designs are subject to copyright and have been for over 20 years.

Available in Natural Jute, Black Jute, Canvas, Denim & Natural Mini


Luxury Jute Bag with Leather Handles: W40 x D20 x H36 cm

Made from environmentally friendly jute  material with some juco detail and finished with luxury leather handles and brass feet on the base. The denim option is no laminated for a more sloughy look. Both the denim and canvas have double backed leather handles.

The handy ability to wipe clean inside and wipe clean the base plate which add to the practicality of this luxury jute shopper. This durable shopper comes plain or printed for an elegant, personal touch. Printed on one side.


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